mercredi 11 février 2009

Sentence Pattern #1

Sentence: Complete idea/ subject + verb.
Clause: incomplete/ subject + verb (part of a sentence)
Phrase : preposition(in ,on, at) / No verb
Participle: present (ing)
past (ed)

Ex: [CSL] [has] [3200 students] [in different programs] [which are all interesting].
S V object prepositional phrase dependant clause

s v semicolon ic
Ex: CSl has 3200 students; may are smart and talented.

Frank Stockton's most famous story is "The Lady or the Tiger".

It's about a young man being judged for his illicit affair with a princess.

1a. IC semi-colon+ conjuctive adverb + comma + IC

Ex :FS started as a wodd engraver; however, he became a famous writer.

1b. IC+Comma+Coordinating conjuction(fanboys)+IC

Ex: The story has no ending, so the reader is left wondering what happens.

Sentence Pattern #2

IC + Colon (:)

Statement : Explanation (specific)

Bernard Shan told a writer

Ex1: "There are three things I disliked about your story : They are the beginning, middle and end."

Ex2: "There is one key rule in my life : live and let live."

Ex3: Darwins' The origin of the species staded a harsh truth : only the fittest survive.

Simile : The comparison of two unlike things using like or as. Ex: It's about as easy as striking a match on a mirror.

Metaphor: Comparison of two unlike things using the verb "to be" and not using like or as as in a simile.
Ex: Type 1, A=B : The sky is a blue tapestry
Type 2, a) The young goaler skyrocketed to fame but now he's crashed
b) In playing the Bruins, the Habs are hitting a stone wall
c) Koivu used to have cat-like moves
Analogy: The comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship. Ex: The Grande Bibliothèque might hold the key to your future; it unlocks many doors to knowledge; it opens the way to numerous opportunities.
Ex: The human brains resembles a computer; it has incredible memory; it is made of differents parts that are connected to each other.

Allusion: A brief reference to a person, event, or place, real or ficticious, or to a work of art. Ex: His Achille's heal was his lack of personnality
Ex: The fieing of Carbonneau opened up a Pandora's box of problems for Gainey
Ex: Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore
Ex: She played Barbie to his Ken

Personnification: Giving human qualities to animals or objects.
Ex: Dogs say cat loves too much
Ex:Sun flowers nodded in the afternoon sun
Ex: The Canadian rockies volted into the sky

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